The Kennedy Dynasty holds its power through generations with a complicated web of support systems from one member to another. As one finds while reading through the stories and lives of Kennedy's throughout the years, no event or achievement is truly isolated. These techniques to perpetuate power are intentional and sometimes fairly malicious, like the lobotomy of Rosemary and its subsequence coverup, or the
advancement of the Kennedy political machine throughout New England and western rural America by Ted Kennedy. Connections must be understood if one wants to get a full grasp of the Kennedy’s remain in power both economically and politically.
Many of the stories felt similar-JFK, RFK, Ted Kennedy, JFK Jr., and Joseph Kennedy III all attended a series of private schools in which they did mediocre to average in, then got into Harvard either as an undergrad or the law school, and eventually ended up in politics. As Joseph Kennedy
pushed his sons, the next generations pushed their siblings and offspring, ensuring a name would always be in the news.
If an issue arose in the family, one could always find another family member close by ready to help cover up. Although Eunice claims the Special Olympics was not in response to the state of her sister, and it was a genuinely good institution, it changed the face of the family from being those who lobotomize to supporters of the the physically or mentally disabled. When Ted Kennedy was injured in an unusual plane crash, his wife and family spearheaded his reelection campaign; a campaign he won with little of his own involvement.
Joseph Kennedy, often considered the origin point of the explosion of Kennedy influence was so so direct as to even set up trust funds for each of his children so they would never been in a lack for money. The opportunities he gave his children would trump the hard work of any of their adversaries, as a grand trip across Europe is better received than an international relations class, and a presentation to the British Court provides a means for the world to know their names.
The continuity of Kennedy relevance and the steps they take to ensure the wellbeing of the next generation is no coincidence. Well calculated steps lead almost every one of the family to be important to politics or world affairs. As our current system does not impede such bridges of generations, one can expect that the Kennedys will still be around for ages to come.