The Kennedy family boasts a wide array memorials and locations named after them that dot the entire world. JFK himself is the namesake for most of these places. Some of the more notable ones are the JFK National Airport in New York and the JFK Library in Boston. His grave is a notable site in Arlington National Cemetary where the eternal flame burns to this day. Hundreds of streets both inside and outside of the United States gave a Kennedy (typically John) their namesake. Most of the names were given after his assassination, as he became the last great martyr. People were shocked by his death and felt it was worthy to memorialize en masse. After the initial burst of renaming roads and building it became fashionable to name new buildings and roads after him. Today literally thousand of roads, schools, parks, libraries, and other structures bear JFK's name across the globe. This map from slate.com provides an interactive way to find many of these locations.

Building A fortune
Joseph Kennedy’s political career started in earnest when he invested a small fortune in the election campaign of Franklin D. Roosevelt in 1932. Roosevelt was elected (to an unprecedented, and unmatchable, four terms in office) President of the United States. To pay back the favor, Joseph was made ambassador for the United States to the United Kingdom, where he wined and dined with London High Society. One of his daughters, Kathleen, married into the English aristocracy. Kennedy was abruptly expelled from his position during the Battle of Britain, when Kennedy
insisted to both politicians and the public that Britain would not survive the war, and expressed sympathy with Nazi Germany’s increasingly anti-semitic policies. Roosevelt appointed Joseph Kennedy the first chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, or SEC. As the head of the SEC, Kennedy aggressively pursued and outlawed the very type of insider trading and market manipulation from which he became fabulously wealthy, and which lead to the collapse in 1929. Kennedy withdrew from the public spotlight and politics following a stroke in 1961. He died in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts in 1969.